I spent 12 hours near Kafka's monument in Prague, CZ filming the environment and catching visitors, asking them to spend 3 minutes in front of the statue. 
There were three obstacles given by my film school: 
1. I had only 30 meters of Kodak film (which is 3 minutes in total) and a Bolex Camera, which was older than me in three times. I did some calculations on a sheet of paper and decided to make timelapse pushing a trigger on the camera manually. 
2. There was no synchronized sound. This is why I decided to experiment with asynchronicity. 
3. In camera editing. I wanted to keep everything as we filmed during the day. I added only titles, sound, and a few doubled frames on postproduction. 
Special thanks to Vojta Konečny for producing, sound recording, and communication. Hugs to Galya Stepanova and Dona Domeska for joining and helping out.  Much thanks for brainstorming to Nefeli Toayepo and my supervisor Vit Janeček. 

The film was selected and published on mystreetfilms.cz from 2015 till 2018.
Filmed on 16mm Bolex camera, Kodak 200
FAMU, Prague, CZ, October 2015
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